Tuesday, January 4, 2011

God loves Stupid People too.

Here's my conversation with the check-out lady at Food Lion from my first adventure to the store with all four kids this morning.

Her: "You are one brave babysitter to bring all these kids with you to the store."
Me: "Actually, they are all mine."
Her: "Whatchutalkingabout? Even THAT one?" (Pointing about 4 inches from Macy's face.)
Me: "Yep. Isn't she great?" ;)
Her: "Well, where'd you get her from?"
Me: "We actually just brought her home from Ethiopia in November."
Her: "So, did you have to go over there, or can they just ship them over here?"
Me: (Catch my breath, and try not to imagine daggers going through her eyeballs.) "We traveled to Ethiopia to bring her home. Can I get my receipt?"

Lucky for BOTH of us, I only had about 5 items and then sprinted right out the doors with my four, wonderfully behaved kids in tow. But yes, I coulda killed her.


  1. You handled this beautifully...which is why your children will grow up as respectful adults!
