So this was my first attempt to ever make doughnuts. Okay, except for when I was five-years-old in Sunday School and my teachers would make them ALL the time. Mental picture: A dozen 5-yr-olds and a hot electric skillet full of grease, with the cord stretch across the room. (I remember that part because I vividly remember the teachers telling us "WATCH THE CORD!" about thirteen million times.) I mean WHO DOES THAT IN A ROOM FULL OF KIDS?!?! Anyway, I digress....
The kids REALLY enjoyed their doughnuts. I made the regular icing (oh, except I was out of vanilla extract. Okay, so the moral of this story is I should have looked over all my ingredients and supplies before I promised the kids we'd be doing this) and then totally took the easy-way-out and used Nutella as the chocolate icing. The kids LOOOOVED it. Oh, and while I was scrambling searching for the vanilla the container of sprinkles fell out of the cabinet and Hannah says "OHHH GOODY! Sprinkles on our doughnuts!". (Am I the ONLY MOM OUT THERE that hates using sprinkes with toddlers/preschoolers?!?!?!) So yes, we had sprinkles too. Here's the pics!
Hannah carefully using her sprinkles.
So it was a fun activity. Took me about 20 minutes to scrub the icing off of everyone and everything, but fun nonetheless.
Hope you all have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND! We are hoping to get outside to finally try out Hannah's new Barbie Jeep and Aidan's new bike. You know...outside, instead of inside the house.