Friday, November 12, 2010

One week...

As of tonight we have been home with Miss Macy for one week. And WHEW! What a week it has been! It's honestly an adventure every day discovering her little (or not-so-little) personality! Each day brings new discoveries. I'd say that 90% of the day is absolutely perfect. We play, giggle, tickle and cuddle. The other 10% of the day I am either breaking up "fights" between her and Houston, or trying to calm a tantrum. Yes, she is two-years-old, and she can throw one good tantrum! Imagine being ripped from everything you ever knew, being flown across the world, having three new In-Your-Face siblings that you can't understand a word of what they are saying. So to be honest about it all - our girl has moments where she gets very, very frustrated. But I know that is fear. And some anger. She has had some BIG changes in the past 5 months of her life. We have had over a year to prepare for her, and to be excited about her arrival...and she didn't quite "get the memo", if you know what I mean. She DIDN'T get the chance to prepare for all these changes. Now don't think I am complaining...because I am not. I'm just relaying what we are learning, in case you are lucky enough to witness one of these Award Winning Tantrums.

The fun stuff...well, it's FUN! She is SO DANG FUNNY! This girl can make some funny faces that will just knock your socks off. And she has some major dance moves. And she loves to kiss and cuddle. And even though she and Houston drive each other crazy, they are also best friends. No matter how many times he whacks her on the head (with a shoe, toy, or mini golf club), she STILL follows him around everywhere. Don't worry - she's one tough cookie and can give the "affection" right back to her bigger-little brother.

As for Jason and I...we are getting used to being the parents of 4 children ages 5 and under. It's work, folks. And no...I didn't think that it WOULDN'T be work. I knew that. It's just bussssssy right now. Aidan and Hannah are doing pretty good. But poor Hootie is totally in "defense mode" of his rightful place on Momma's hip. And it just so happens that is where Macy wants to be too. So whoever isn't on my hip at any given moment is usually voicing his/her opinion about not being there. Let's just say that I feel very, very loved. :)

So, here's Macy's "1st Week Accomplishments":

1. Knows her name and responds to it.

2. Knows all of our names. And her Nana's.

3. Likes any kind of pasta you put in front of her. And bananas. And eggs.

4. Will nod or shake her head in response to your questions. We are amazed at how much she's starting to understand.

5. Today's language development: "NO, NO Hootie!" :)

6. Loves shoes and hairbows.

7. Loooooves to dance.

8. Slid down a slide for I believe the first time ever. And liked it.

9. Has learned how to go up and down stairs. (Never had to learn this skill before.)

10. Rode in an elevator, car, stroller, and swing. And is cool with all that.

This is what it's all about, folks. On the good days and the bad. This is what we get to wake up to each morning. Now try to tell me that's not worth all the work.

Love this girl!


  1. So happy to see this post! We are approaching a lot of work to bring our child/children home and these "home forever" posts are a huge blessing of encouragement!
    Macy is awesome - all of your kiddos are! I'll be excited to follow you guys and learn about this side of the journey!


  2. I just found your blog today and I am blown away that we both have a Macy B from Ethiopia who is 2 yrs old and we both live in TN! My sister-in-law who is adopting with WACAP told me about you guys. That is wild! Macy Ethiopian name is Birtukan. We call her Macy B. And on my blog I call her "Orange." Just too funny. :)
