We are looking forward to a weekend full of
egghunts and family. But the BEST part of this Easter holiday is the fact that my older two kiddos "get" what Easter is about this year. Let's face it, Easter isn't as "sweet" as Christmas. With Christmas you get a baby born in a barn under a big shiny star. But Easter...oh Easter...it's painful. And bloody. And humbling. And although I love Christmas, and I am so very thankful that God sent a baby to save me from my sins, it's EASTER that humbles me. It's the fact that His Son, that baby He sent, died for ME and for YOU in a very painful, public way. Do we deserve for Him to do that for us? Heck no. But that is what it is ALL about. The fact that we DON'T deserve his Mercy. His Grace. The fact that I'm a sinner indeed, and that God's only Son died on that cross for me.
Jason and I watched the Passion of the Christ the other night. We went to see it in the theater in 2004 when it was released, but of course being Easter week it's on
tv every night. The first time I saw it, I cried like a baby. It's PAINFUL to watch...it really is. But HELLO??!?! that's the point. As I watched it the other night from the comfort of my own couch, I focused a lot on Mary in the film. You see, back in 2004 I wasn't a Mommy yet. Now I'm a Mom to four precious little souls. And as I watched the agony that Mary was in my heart BROKE for totally different reasons than when I watched that movie several years ago. This time I imagined if it was MY son on that cross. Or ANY of my children for that matter. A child that I had held and cuddled and wiped tears from his eyes....and then having to watch my sweet child be beat and spit on and tortured and finally hung naked on a cross to die. Oh the AGONY. And then I think of how that same son of Mary is God's Son. And how it pained Him to see His child suffer like that. AND THEN I thought about how WE are all His children (keep up with me here!) and how it pains Him to see US hurting. And lost. And hungry. And hopeless. And of course, it all came back to Macy for me, as things often do. How God loved her before I ever laid eyes on her. How it hurt Him to see the pain and loneliness our daughter felt. How she now has a hope and a future. Just as WE all have a hope and a future thanks to His Son on the cross two thousand years ago.
And again, I'm humbled.

Happy Easter from The