(No, this isn't my family. Nor do I have any affiliation what.so.evah with this family. However, their heinous outfit choice landed their picture on the internet, thus allowing me to use them as my ridiculous example.)
No, I won't ever do that. I don't think.
Anyyyyyyways.... Okay...where was I? So a couple of weeks ago I dressed Hootie and Macy kinda coordinatin'. They looked cute, so of course I had to snap a few pictures before wranglin' everyone into the Swagger Wagon and head to church.
Later that day I remembered that Aidan and Hannah had worn these same outfits together many moons ago. Okay...well, they wore them in November 2007...however many moons ago that was. Today I had fun looking back through the old pics.
Those pics make this matchy-matchy Momma smile.
Hope you all have a great week!
I have some pics you took of my boys being matchy-matchy - many, many, many moons ago!