So I am one of those moms who likes to dress her kids
matchy. I never thought I WOULD be that kind of Mom, but I am. It just makes stuff so much easier. Like, if one of the kids went missing I'd be able to say, "Oh yeah...that's what he's wearing"...and scan the crowd for that outfit. Get my point? No? Oh well, it's not like I am THIS bad:

(No, this isn't my family. Nor do I have any affiliation with this family. However, their heinous outfit choice landed their picture on the
internet, thus allowing me to use them as my ridiculous example.)
No, I won't ever do that. I don't think.
Anyyyyyyways.... Okay...where was I? So a couple of weeks ago I dressed
Hootie and Macy kinda
coordinatin'. They looked cute, so of course I had to snap a few pictures before
wranglin' everyone into the
Swagger Wagon and head to church.

Later that day I remembered that Aidan and Hannah had worn these same outfits together many moons ago. Okay...well, they wore them in November 2007...however many moons ago that was. Today I had fun looking back through the old pics.

Those pics make this matchy-matchy Momma smile.
Hope you all have a great week!