We arrived in Gulf Shores yesterday and are having a BLAST! We spent yesterday and this morning at the
rockin' awesome pools they have here on sight, and this evening after dinner decided to take a walk on the beach across the street. Macy had seen the ocean from the condo balcony, but not up close yet, so I wanted to document her reaction to seeing the vastness of the the ocean. And for the record, her reaction was absolutely priceless.
Here she is walking up the boardwalk to the beach....

And just LOOK AT HER SWEET FACE when she sees the ocean for the first time in her life!

She was in AWE...this beautiful little girl from
Ethiopia just took in the wonder of the ocean!
She loved the sand, the waves, all of it!

Yes, we came to the ocean to walk and look for shells.
All four kids ended up soaked and sandy. Lovely.

This is how Jason had to finally get her to leave.
We will be back first thing tomorrow morning!

Oh, and by the way, as of yesterday Miss Macy has been home SEVEN MONTHS!