Now exactly a year later we have been matched with the most precious little Ethiopian girl. And in ONE MONTH FROM TODAY, on September 30th, we will stand in an African court stating why we want to bring this precious child of God home to our family. Forever. And there will be ONE LESS orphan in the world due to us deciding to do something totally crazy one year ago. THANK YOU, God, for breaking our hearts for what breaks yours! It hasn't been an easy year (but that's a whole 'nother blog post!), but it has been worth EVERY single second!
So to celebrate, we are gonna do a "Sorta-Silent Auction"! I have had three people/companies very generously donate gift certificates. I will have a "starting bid", and then the person with the highest bid on Friday at 1:00 (that's naptime in the Humphrey house!) wins! Okay, I say "wins", but I really mean "gets to make a donation to our adoption account with their winning bid". :) Just leave a comment on our blog with your bid. You can check back to see if anyone else has outbid you.
Sooooo....the first item up for auction is....

A $25 Gift Certificate to Nana Rosa's Italian Food and Market in Hendersonville. YUM YUM! Check out their menu at
Starting bid - $15.00
$40 worth of Mary Kay gift certificates, courtesy of Jennifer Green.
Starting bid $20.
A $50 gift certificate for AB Recyle. This is that service with the red tubs all around town. This covers 3 months of Recycle/Pickup service. Check out their website at Gift certificate courtesy of owners, Stacey and Julie Hull.
Starting bid $25.
Let the bidding begin!
I am also determined to sell our last four t-shirts. (See picture to the right!) I am sold out of the adult shirts, but have three kids pink ones (sizes Youth XS and Youth Small), and one kids blue one (size Youth Small). I am marking them down to $10 each. (Will add shipping charges if needed.) Get yours now!