Thursday, July 7, 2011

The man who started it all....

Back in the summer of 2009, an amazing speaker and author named David Nasser came to speak at our church. We looked forward to his visits. He was funny and REAL, and totally rocked mine and Jason's world. He spoke passionately about the world's orphan crisis. About all these children without families. Or a hope. Or a future. He talked about the amazing process of adoption, and reminded us that WE had ALL been adopted into God's family and given a new hope. And a new future. Jason and I had never thought about adoption. Honestly, we thought it was just for couples who couldn't have children, and since we the crazy, fertile couple having three babies in three years, adoption had never even crossed our minds. But then David said something we just couldn't shake. If you've seen our adoption video, (if not, click HERE) you know that this one particular statistic is what pushed us "over the edge": "If just seven percent of THE CHURCH (not the world's population, not American citizens, just THE CHURCH) would adopt, then there would be no more orphans". Good GRACIOUS that hit us like a ton of bricks. So one Sunday back in the summer of '09 we got into the car after church, and while sitting in the parking lot decided we were going to be part of that 7%. Our decision was that quick and that easy. We were all in.
Fast forward to October 2010. It's been over a year since we'd heard David speak. After a CRAZY time trying to fly back from Ethiopia (see that story HERE...for reals, it's so bad it's funny) we arrived home after 17 hrs in the air on a Saturday night from our first trip to meet our new daughter. We were tired and jet-lagged (and I was an emotional basketcase having to have come home without Macy), but knew that David Nasser was going to be speaking at church the next morning. So we took our bleary-eyed selves to church. After service I grabbed Jason's hand and rushed backstage on a hunt for David. I wanted to let him know how THANKFUL we were to him for planting that seed in our hearts. I showed him Macy's pictures, and of course, cried my eyes out. He listened to our story, asked to keep Macy's picture, and prayed the most incredible, touching prayer over us. He is THAT KIND of guy. You know, the Real Deal. We were incredibly touched. The next day I got a knock on the door from someone delivering a precious gift from the Nassers, with a handwritten note about how amazing adoption is (they have an adopted son as well).
So NOW fast forward to this past Sunday. It was time for David Nasser to come back to Long Hollow. Whoop Whoop! Again, I rushed the stage after service and was so excited for him to meet our spunky little Ethiopian. She passed out the hugs and love - and thought he was pretty cool too. This time we were able to meet his sweet wife as well. It's so great to talk to other adoptive mommas who "get" it. We snapped some pics so we can show her someday WHO IT WAS that prompted us to adopt. (And of course, Hannah had to jump in the pics too. That is SO Hannah!)
Needless to say, the Nassers hold a special place in the Humphreys hearts. We will be FOREVER grateful! Because of this man, and the message that God spoke through him, Macy's life has been redeemed. And that hope and future I spoke of....well, now our daughter has them. And we give ALL the glory to God.

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