Saturday, November 6, 2010

He places the lonely in families...

We are home. ALL of us. And I am adjusting to being the mother of four kiddos, ages 5 and under. And I couldn't feel more blessed. It's funny, because in the past several weeks we have heard multiple times, "Oh, she's such a lucky little girl." Really? Because WE feel like the lucky ones. God took a precious little girl, from half a world away and not made of any of our DNA, and placed her perfectly into our family. She's quirky. She's independent. She's strong-willed. And she's OURS. WE get the privilege of raising this little girl. WE get to see her big toothy smile each morning. WE get to cuddle her during her two-year-old girl tantrums. WE get to be her moral compass. WE get to teach her about the love of her Heavenly Father.

No folks...she's not the lucky one. We most CERTAINLY got the better end of this deal!

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  1. Can't wait to meet sweet Macy. She is a beautiful addition to your family!
    Kristie, Mike, & Avery

  2. yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Glad I got my kiss from Macy this morning!!!! I was about to bust out of my skin seeing her!

    We love you guys!!!!

  3. Thank you for allowing us to follow your journey.
    The McGee's

  4. Well this post totally needs a "like" button! Found your blog through Kristi' have a new fan! =) Macy is beautiful!
