Friday and Saturday, Oct. 2nd and 3rd
8am til Noon
at my Mom's house
110 Strathmore Court; Hendersonville
(in Riverchase Subdivision
near Jack Anderson Elementary)
All proceeds benefit our adoption!
On another note, we had our homestudy visit this week! I was kinda nervous about someone coming into my house to see if I was a suitable parent, but it all went well (WHEW!). The lady was very kind and helpful, which put us at ease. We have MORE paper work to do, then another visit with her, and then EVEN MORE paperwork. Our goal is to have the paperwork done and sent in by the holidays. I am a pretty determined person, so I know I can get it done! Once the paperwork is in, then it will take 0 to 10 months to be matched with a child. We have decided that we are going to ask to be matched with a little GIRL (!) age 9 months to 3 years. We are excited to have made this decision - we need to even up the playing field! (There's just too many stinkin' boys in this house! Ha ha!) So now Jason and I are tossing around girl names that we like. Fun!
Anyways, thank for your support! PLEASE SHARE OUR YARD SALE INFO WITH YOUR FRIENDS! And come out Friday and Saturday to SHOP!!!